Norwich upcycling sessions

Taking place, the second Tuesdays of each month. These workshops are open to all skill levels and interests. Whether you’re an experienced rag rugger looking to socialize or share skills, or a complete beginner curious about reducing textile waste and meeting new people – everyone is welcome!
January and Feb workshops will include, hands-on rag rugging tutorials for beginners and collaborative rag rugging project and advanced techniques for experienced practitioners. In March we will be making spring rag wreath.
Workshop Times:
Morning workshop: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Afternoon workshop: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
No need to book, feel free to pop in and see what it’s all about or stay for the whole day!
Location: Honesty Library, Level 2, Castle Quarter, Norwich. Honestly Library is location at the top of the spiral stair case, near Boots, just 2 doors down from our clothing swap shop. There is no charge for the workshop or materials. However, as a charity, we greatly appreciate donations to support our aims:
– Empowering unemployed young people towards work or training
– Promoting sustainable fashion practices through clothing swaps, online sales, and rag rugging.
All material used in the workshop is sourced from scrap clothing donated in to our clothing swap shop. Refreshments will be available and there are public toilets on the same level. Spread the word, bring a friend, and let’s create beautiful memories and textiles together!